
Here we provide a list with all the properties that can be passed to our components, their type and default values.


Property Required Type Default value Description
data true array of plain js objects The data that will be rendered in the table
bordered false boolean false Whether the .table-bordered class will be applied to the table
striped false boolean false Whether the .table-striped class will be applied to the table
responsive false boolean false Whether the table will be responsive with respect to bootstrap implenetation
hover false boolean false Whether the .table-hover class will be applied to the table
condensed false boolean false Whether the .table-condensed class will be applied to the table
pagination false boolean false Whether the table should include pagination. If set to true the table data will be split to pages and a pagination component will be shown that will allow moving between pages.
pageSize false number 10 The amount of entries that each page hold when pagination is active.
maxPages false number 5 The number of pages that will be visible in the pagination component.
searchable false boolean false Whether the table data should be searchable. If enabled a search box will be shown that will allow filtering data and showing only matching records.
totalsRowClass false string Define the class name for the totals row.


Property Required Type Default value Description
property true string The property from the provided objects in table data that should be used to render this column.
name false string The label of the column. It will be displayed in the table head if provided.
format false function(cell, row) The function that given as inputs the cell and row data should return the formatted value as it should be displayed in the table cell.
formatTotal false function(cell, row) The function that given as inputs the cell and row data should return the format that the total will be displayed in the table for the given column.
showTotal false boolean false Whether the total for the given column should be shown or not.
sortable false boolean false Whether this column allows sorting or not.
includeInSearch false boolean false Whether this column should participate in the filtering being performed when saerch is enabled for the table data.
align false string (allowed: left, center, right) left Define the alignment for the column.
searchCaseSensitive false boolean false Define whether you want search for this column to be case sensitive or not.